Maxsurf ship stabiltiyソフトウェアの無料バ​​ージョンをダウンロード


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Swivel、スイベル 一昨日、Creative Cloudのメンバーシップの期限が切れてました。またか!とお思いでしょうが、今はCS3とCS6で間に合ってるので、すぐ継続する気はないんです。またCC使う時がきたら更新しよっと。あ、でもビデオ書き出しはどうすんの?

Selection of Ship Yards, Boat Builders, Designers, Naval Architects, Navies, Coastguards, Classification Societies, Universities, Surveyors who use MAXSURF Maxsurf is an “Industrial Strength” Tool for Advanced Stability Analysis. Just a few examples of the 1000+ MAXSURF users include: Military: U.S. Navy and Coast Guard, Australian Navy, Austal, General Dynamics, BAE Systems, Thales, U.S. Naval Research Lab P a r t 3 C h a p t e r 1 5 C h a n g e s-c u r r e n t Rules for classification: Ships — DNVGL-RU-SHIP-Pt3Ch15. Edition October 2015 Page 3 Stability DNV GL AS CHANGES – CURRENT - MAXSURF Stability will automatically test alternative combinations of damage within a zone to ensure the worst case scenario is tested. i.e. partial depth damage may be worse than full depth, so both cases are tested and the lowest 's' value is included in the results. You'' see this in the results as Alt 1/3 etc. 5.STABILITY REQUIREMENTS This subsection describes detail of intact stability requirements of the rules which the ship must comply with. 1. GENERAL STABILITY REQUIREMENTS The stability curves are to comply with the following requirements in Fig.1.1. 1) Area A₁ is to be not less than 0.055 m・rad. 2) Area A₂ is to be not less than 0.03 m・rad. I have defined all of tanks and weights as well as I can and when I start to analyze large angle stability calculations, the result of the GZ graph did not satisfy me because I know that ship must be sinks somewhere between 0 - 100 degrees however for my design GZ curve almost reaches up to 130 degrees and It's shape looks a bit weird to me.

Maxsurf 21 additionally has numerous capabilities for analyzing ships below crucial and frontier circumstances, which engineers can use to measure numerous high quality and safety parameters resembling stability and ship stability and crew security. Maxsurf is unquestionably top-of-the-line decisions for marine engineers and shipbuilding. Dec 22, 2016 · Displacement problem maxsurf stability. Discussion in 'Stability' started by Endarkwolf, Dec 22, 2016. My project is making a model ship with maxsurf, and I Since 1984, the MAXSURF suite of naval architecture and ship construction software formed the cornerstone of their offerings to the naval architecture profession. Over 1000 designers and companies use MAXSURF to design all types of vessels ranging from pleasure boats through to workboats and large ships. Feb 05, 2018 · Maxsurf Stability Tutorial 2 Hydrostatics, Large Angle Stability, ShipLoad - Ship Trim and Stability calculator ( - with subtitles - Duration: 5:27. Oct 15, 2018 · A professional application for designing and building ships and related structures and a wide range of other tools, Bentley MAXSURF CONNECT Edition provides different powerful tools to ensure accurate results and improves the stability of the ships. The application also ensures the stability of the ships and the comforts of the crew on the ships.

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Jul 19, 2017 · Stability compliance isn’t always simple. Join James Clarkson, MAXSURF Technical Support Engineer at Bentley Systems, to see how you can use the integrated tools in MAXSURF to analyze vessels for compliance with statutory stability criteria. Discover how to customize included common codes and create your own stability criteria.



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